I was born in December 1989 in Ankara, where I had lived in until I came to İzmir for university when I was 19. I conceived to play flute a few years before the high school and later the sounds like “playing flute is awesome” , ”why don’t I play flute“ started to take place in my mind in certain periods. Fortunately, one day, with the present waiting for me at home, all the sounds in my mind turned into a real notes. My flute and musical notes with me, I was impatiently looking forward for flute training sessions, every week for four years. Taking flute courses, being tutored by teacher Aslı and playing new musics was beautiful. Then, I found myself with flute in my hand in the high school music group. It was a different and exciting experience for me to have a chance of playing the flute in front of people. In one of our lessons, teacher Aslı recommended an idea such as founding a music group. As soon as I heard it, I was sure that being a part of that music group would make me feel better. Then we started to rehearse every Thursday from January 2009 for that music group. The music group, Lirik Nefesler, having 3 student members and teacher Aslı at the beginning, started to expand. Whenever I say “Lirik Nefesler”, I always conjure up a mental picture of rehearsing together, playing duets and trios, performing our first concert to support to make autism well recognized by people, sharing the exciting environment before the concert. When my decision to study Chemical Engineering in İzmir was certain in 2009, the first thing that made me unhappy was leaving the Lirik Nefesler behind me in Ankara. Even if I am not able to rehearse and perform in concerts with Lirik Nefesler any more, I feel happy again for being a member of that group whenever I hear a new project designed by Lirik Nefesler or see a member of that music group. I am not wrong about of thinking that being a member of Lirik Nefesler feels me better.