I’ve always known that one day I would play the flute, but I could not decide the right time to start. I was a student at Middle East Technical University at the department of Statistics for which I was spending almost all of my time. In those days, I put off starting to play due to the fact that playing such a great instrument requires time and effort. In my last year at the university, I suddenly decided to play flute when a door closed to my face. The flute listened to my case, and cured my pain. Even if it could not solve my problem, it turned out to be my best friend immediatelly. I think that the closing door gave me a never ending friend. Since then I just want to hear its sound, whenever I am depressed or even I feel happy. Futhermore, now I am studying for an Economics Master’s Degree in METU and as an Erasmus student in Germany. Even though I have to study harder compared to my undergraduate times, I can spend considerable time for playing my flute now. When I look back, I wish I had started playing the flute the first time the idea had ever come to my mind. Now, I am 25 years old and I have been together with my flute only for 2 years, but we would have been together longer than this. Anyway, I do not regret, since, as time goes by, I have found myself in such a great situation that in every little bit of effort I do for it, it generously pays back and always gives me its little hands. Besides, my flute instructor cheered me up and I have found myself in “Lirik Nefesler” since I started to walk. Last year, I joined in “Lirik Nefesler”- our music group- to help our autistic friends and to warm the cockles of their hearts. We believe by heart that as they listen to our music, they feel much greater, powerful and safer, and as long as they feel like that, our enthusiasm rises…