Vicdan ŞEKER

I started playing the flute at the age of 27, under the guidance of Aslıhan Özen and I have been playing it for 5.5 years now. I have graduated from Faculty of Communication and am working for a social relief foundation at present. I have been interested in many musical instruments since very young ages, and I admit that I had envied anyone who was able to play a musical instrument. One day, I suddenly decided to learn how to play the flute. I have long been impressed by the sound of the instrument, but hadn’t had much knowledge about it. I fell in love with the instrument the moment I first blew into it, and then I knew I had made the right choice by chance. I’ve made a significant progress in time by both working hard, and by paying much attention to my instructor. There were times when I had to try hard but each time, my efforts paid back by being able to play the pieces more skillfully. It was another distinct flutter for me to join in the Lirik Nefesler group. It is also nice to play alone, but it seems more delightful and significant to work on a piece and do a job as a group. When we play as a group, we feel both the happiness of sharing our music with other people, and the joy of doing something useful. Another passion of mine apart from the flute is flamenco music and dance. I cannot describe how happy I’d felt when I learned that flute was one of the essential instruments in flamenco music. This meant, I would be able to play my favourite music with my favourite instrument. This was more beautiful than I could ever imagine. This may sound somewhat utopic but I think, no matter how old he or she is, or whatever he or she does, everybody with a bit of talent must try to play his or her favourite musical instrument. Playing an instrument improves a person and it helps one to get to know him or herself. I know for sure now, that if someone really wants to do something, he or she will always find time and have opportunities for doing it anyway.