I became acquainted with the flute about 2 years ago. I have explored many musical instruments for a long time, and the flute has come out to be my favourite. I have realized that to touch with something very special to the lives of those who listen to you, not only increases your self-confidence but also makes you commit to your work. Playing a musical instrument is appealing, yet knowing that it can reach out to a person with itsr sound, dignifies that instrument more. Besides, giving a way for an escapade from all my lessons and playing the flute, makes me happier.
Until the very moment that I take the instrument in my hand in a concert, I feel extremely excited, but as soon as I start to play, I, indeed, feel very different. So to speak, I leave where I actually am, and join with the notes. I feel, inside of me, that the sound of the flute takes me away from my own troubles to very distinct places.