Aydıner TAŞKIN

My adventure with flute which i postponed because of fear of failure has begun after my friend Yelda told me that " you will either be playing the flute for 8 years when you turn to 40, or will have never tried at all". I have been playing flute since 2008. In this rough and slowly proceeding road, flute has transformed me slowly to a completely different person. Flute has tought me to be patient, to stand up an go on walking on the road after falling down, moreover it has tought me that falling down is a part of the story while walking on the road. Being in the Lirik Nefesler is a very exciting experience for me. Spending time with the group, working harder for a better playing, laughing together, getting excited at the concerts, while performing the concerts looking at autistic children's eyes and seeing that i am "useful"... I am very happy for being a part of this band.